The Power of Detail Show 2021

The Power of Detail Show 2021

Comité Monégasque de l’A.I.A.P.
Association Internationale des Arts Plastiques
auprès de l’U.N.E.S.C.O.

“Would a work of Art exist more – or above all – through a view or would we enter into it first through the perception of a detail?
The two approaches are equal but whatever the way the viewer approaches the work, the detail or details will undoubtedly count in his overall appreciation.
Artists in general like to focus on details:
in painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, video, and even in a installation the detail will be of great importance either as the highlight of an installation composition either by itself out of any context. In this case he becomes – following the artist’s approach – a simple exercise in style or a major concept.
There can exist ¨à the occasion ¨ou to be the ¨signature ¨ of the artist.
We can therefore use the term ¨force¨ in connection with the detail because this element which what may seem insignificant or secondary can become essential, meaningful and indispensable as a hand that holds you above the void or that takes you on a wonderful adventure.
This theme was proposed this year to the artists of the A.I.A.P. Committee and 47 proposals were selected by a selection panel.
At the same time we invited 14 artists from the region chosen and presented by Stefania Angelini and whose approaches have already been approved and are to be put to the test. honor.”
Marie-Aimée Tirole Artist

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